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Higher Purpose Advisory Logo

Leadership Effectiveness &
Organizational Change

Consulting, Coaching, and Advisory

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We empower organizations to navigate transformation while developing future leaders.

Executive Visioning & Discovery

Lab #2: Functional Leadership Engagement

Lab #1: Executive Leadership Engagement

Lab #3+: Operational Engagement

Program Planning, Management & Governance

Emerging Leader Development

Testimonial: "George Henderson knows what he's talking about here! I learned so, so much working with him on a project many years ago, where he implemented a system of continuous improvement - this system helped point out the chaos-makers, gave management the information they needed to deal with them, and as an added bonus gave the workers with vision an avenue to improve the company and get rewarded. It was hard work, but absolutely worth it. The company survived and thrived because of his efforts. If your customers (or associates) hate you and you can't figure out George 🙂!"

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